Grease Trap Cleaning

Grease Trap Cleaning South Bend, Indiana

Grease Trap Cleaning South Bend Indiana

Grease Trap Cleaning in South Bend, Indiana
At your business, your grease trap performs one of the most critical jobs in your drainage system. Preventing grease from entering drain lines can reduce the risk of costly damage and blockages.

A grease trap effectively stops oil and debris, but the trap will eventually fill up, requiring grease trap pumping from a reputable company. If you don’t clean your grease trap, you’ll experience slow drainage and eventual blockages.
This can lead to wastewater backups that contaminate your kitchens and plumbing fixtures. If you run a restaurant, hotel, café, or similar business, this could be disastrous and could result in costly code violations. If your grease trap fails and releases into the drain line, you could be liable for city damages.

You want your business to be compliant and free of drainage problems. We can help.

How Often Do You need Grease Trap Cleaning for your business?
The exact maintenance schedule will differ from business to business, but, the average cleaning rotation ranges from one to three months. If your kitchen is particularly busy, monthly cleaning would be best. If you don’t primarily deal in food service, then you may only need grease pumping every three or even six months.

If you aren’t sure, you will at least know exactly when it’s time to call a technician. There are clear giveaways that your grease trap has reached its capacity.
All the following problems indicate that it’s time for a grease trap inspection:

  • Foul odors are coming from your sinks throughout the day, even after running water.
  • Drains take an excessively long time to clear.
  • Excess oil buildup around the grease trap.
  • Water is backing up through drains into your sinks.

In a commercial environment, a blocked grease trap could end your daily operation. You’ll need to call for immediate grease trap pumping and cleaning from a local company. Call us for grease trap cleaning services in the South Bend area. Call us now  for service.

How South Bend Septic Service Cleans Your Grease Traps

There are several methods we can employ to leave your grease traps fresh and ready for another few months of effective filtration:

  • Cleaning can involve pressurized water and eco-friendly detergents.
  • Some deposits will need to be manually removed by a technician using specialized tools.
  • We remove waste materials and dispose of them in compliance with Indiana law.
  • We ensure that your trap cover is safe and secure, preventing accidents and potential lawsuits.

Contact Us Today for an Inspection
If you suspect problems with your grease trap or if you think it needs cleaning, you can call us for a grease trap inspection today. We’ll check the system and make a recommendation for cleaning or any necessary repairs. We’ll also provide advice on maintaining your grease trap and set a cleaning schedule based around the size of your kitchen and the nature of your business. We will get you setup on the right schedule for your needs. Call us today for Grease trap pumping services.

​We’ll help you to remain in full compliance while ensuring that there are no disruptions to your business. Don’t leave your grease trap to become a problem. Book reliable grease trap cleaning South bend, Indiana today. We will get you setup with the best grease trap pumping service. Let us get your scheduled services today.

Grease traps provide a useful service. Don't wait for problems to develop and get in trouble. Call us for service now.

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